My days are occupied with the care of a twenty month old live wire. Too many days she skips her nap and may lie down for less than an hour. I am busy.
In the who am I realm, I answer that I am GG, tending my babies seven days a week, when I am not at work. I read, crochet, chant, garden, cook, and sort of clean.
I am a writer who does not write. I have exhausted my stories. Or perhaps I have tired of them. Or better yet, they have reached their emotional conclusions.
Days filled with laughter and snot - allergies - are more than enough. Even my current job has lost its thrill. I relax into the opportunities of this Gemini New Moon. This is the perfect time to set new intentions and allow them to flourish in the growing lunar light.
Yesterday, I was reminded that while control is an illusion, I can assess the affect of the decisions I make.
Does it bring me joy?
Is my life increased, expanded, enhanced? Or, am I contracted?
Is this (item) beautiful, useful, or loved?
Have I assigned non-existent value to this item or relationship?
In the dark of the moon, we reassess our priorities, releasing what no longer serves us. We can choose to be open and receptive to the playful nature of each moment and relish in joy.
Bright blessings as we traverse the dark.
Heads up... Mercury Retrograde June 7th.
My gentle space amidst the noise. |