This is a photo of me from years ago. September 2011. I was vacationing in Arizona on one of the hottest days of that year. The mercury hit 113° in the shade. This was the second vacation that year. The first in North Carolina - sweet and mild.
My friend drove to a monastery/retreat center and we explored the grounds and buildings. It was both fun and educational. More than that, I loved sharing time with my friend.
Even as I type this post, I can't believe it has been that long. We haven't spoken since, but that is outside the point of this post. Just two months after this vacation, I quit my job. November 11, 2011. This month is the fourth anniversary of that decision. It was one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
Before I left my full time job, I researched people who had decided to leave the idea of working full-time and living clearer, closer, and within their dreams. I read plenty of clogs about young people making similar choices, but wanted to connect with those nearer 50 years old, with children, families and mortgages.
There are a plethora of blogs and sites dedicated to living well with less, saving and managing money, alternative earning opportunities. Still, I didn't find what really met my needs, so I started writing, counting down the days, and designing a plan to make my move.
I am leaving on vacation in three days. I have been home from my last job since August 1, 2014. Before I travel, here is a recap of how I managed to live the life of my dreams.
I do go back to work. When I work, I maintain my budget to live well below my means. I believe to have more, we must give more. I live by the principle - give first, save next, spend last. I work and therefore deserve to have pleasure from the effort I expend. I budget for my luxuries as well as my needs.
This year, I am excited to sort living on a budget while in San Francisco. At home, I get by with $25/week for groceries and have no need for transportation beyond driving my car two or three days a week. I will be there two weeks. During that time I will travel to East Bay a few times to visit friends and to Northern California for my birthday. While away, I will post on both my adventure and how the budgeting goes.
You can live the life of your dreams, whatever that looks like. If you ask, I will believe with you.
Travel safely.