Soul Massage

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Season of Reflection

During this season when there are so many focused on shifting thoughts, ideas and behaviors toward those which are more patient, companionate and understanding, I also commit to focused introspection.  Neale Donald Walsh's Conversations With God says, "If you do not go within,  you  go without."
Generally, the view of Lent is to give up something for the forty day period, but giving up is merely a tool or method for shifting directions in which we take up something different.  Consider giving up something that you think you have a right to have.  Take up being grateful every day.  Find a moment to notice the needs of those around you.  Find a way to support them in getting their needs met.
I have decided to examine the issue of sexuality through the areas of exploitation, dishonesty, indifference, prejudice, contempt, and waste.  Because I feel I need some space to reach introspection, I have decided to practice celibacy, refocusing my energies as cited above.  The decision came to me as I was driving along; questioning the ways we seek to show up for one another and what it is we are asking of each other.  As my decision affects another, I ask that we (my partner and I) share the commitment that our time together will be supportive and without the strain that can accompany such a change, leaving one feeling dismissed or rejected.  I move into this process knowing that lots of feelings  will arise and that learning to refocus on other aspects of being together will be paramount.
In the taking up:
I will write more letters, with stamps and mail them.
I will cook foods that nourish my body.
I will curtain and argument, slow a rant, exhale more deeply.
I will compliment my friends and loved ones for how well they are living their lives.
I will share time my neighbors, celebrating what life offers us all.
I will embrace my gray hair and whatever feelings arise.
I will hug more people, more often.
I will make my list gratitude list.
I will post to my blog, sharing my insights, reflections, and new understanding.
As we shift our perspective, we see things anew.  During this season, I will be conscious of where I focus my attention, for “By beholding, we become changed. “ (2Cor. 3:18)
Yours on the journey…

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