Soul Massage

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Motherwort Dreams and Art Journal

Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. Salvador Dali

Take Flight
 I woke this morning from a dream journey. Years of chronic insomnia have offered a myriad solutions, most with crap results. While I wait for my homemade sleep/relax concoction to extract - still five weeks to go - I bought motherwort herb. This is new to me and I began sipping tea yesterday. I knitted through the evening leaving my tea to steep in another room. So ended the night (meaning after midnight) with my tea at the bedside. I completed my routine and the last I remember it was 1:16 AM.

I dreamt another world. Here I was the original and many clones which wore out and disintegrated. Then another plucked off. Much of the dream has faded, but I remember sitting a the table asking (or realizing) I was the original.

I have opened a new process - art journaling. I watch videos about finishing in one sitting, like a page a day. That hasn't happened for me; however, this morning I decided to let go of the journal cover. The photo doesn't do it justice. From a distance, even I am impressed.

Multi-media page

Still holding to this page. It's all about the process and that I am enjoying. All acts of love and pleasure...

Add some glitter to your day.

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